
My home town, 2001-2020

James Cochran begins Bowie Mural

Jimmy Cochran begin’s painting the Mural Celebrating David Bowie, who was born in Brixton.

Eddie Grant pays his respects after the Death of David Bowie

Eddie Grant pays his respects after the Death of David Bowie (commisioned Brixton Bid)

Mourner, David Bowie’s Mural Brixton.

Brazilian Dancers, Brixton Market. (commissioned Brixton Bid/Market)

Block Workout 1st year Championship.

&0th Anniversary Windrush Celebration, Lambeth Town Hall

70th Anniversary of the Windrush. (commissioned Lambeth Council)

Army Recruiters, Lambeth Country Fair

Army Recruiters, Lambeth Country Fair. After the Army rented a stall at the Country Fair our community was in uproar and the fair organisers banned from ever letting them come again.



Manager behind the new ‘electric ave’ sign

Manager behind the new ‘electric ave’ sign

Eddie Grant, Electric Avenue

Eddie Grant, Electric Avenue

Rainstorm, Lambeth Country Fair

Rainstorm, Lambeth Country Fair

Volunteer gardener

Volunteer gardener

Ely Kishimoto’s ‘Flash’ crossings

Ely Kishimoto’s ‘Flash’ crossings

Olympic Torch, Coldharbour lane

Olympic Torch, Coldharbour lane

Billboard, Atlantic road

Billboard, Atlantic road

New Academy school under construction

New Academy school under construction

Black Lives Matter Protest

Black Lives Matter Protest

waiting at the Fridge

waiting at the Fridge

Gorilla mask gift, Effra Social

Gorilla mask gift, Effra Social

Sadiq Khan receiving questions

Sadiq Khan receiving questions

blm brixton-00443 2 - copyright luke forsythe 2018 (
blm brixton-00397 - copyright luke forsythe 2018 (